18th May 2017
Left Mirrool pub yesterday and headed towards Campbelltown which was the halfway mark to Port Stephens today. Only free camp I could find was one called Sun Valley on WikiCamps which was another 50km past Campbelltown. It was quite dark already when we arrived (5.30), later than anticipated. Rough Dirt road down in off main road with low hanging trees that went for about 500m. We would have turned around and gone back out but the man who owned property was coming out at the same time and welcomed us to come in. It was a private property. Couldn't see anything in the dark so basically found a clear spot, parked, cooked tea and went straight to bed. Wet weather forecast had us worried all night so didn't sleep very well. Rain was supposed to start at 7am so we figured we would get up at 6 and go because if the rain started, we would have had big problems trying to get our 9 tonne vehicle back up out on a wet, muddy dirt rutted track. Finally, 6am arrived, we Got up and packed up ready to set off but arrived at the gate to find it was closed and locked 🔒. Had to go and find owner of property to unlock and let us out. It was then we got to have a good look around the property and realised we had stayed at Wolf Creek!!! Old caravans and car bodies everywhere, plus lots of old sheds scattered around. Glad I didn't know this when I arrived.
Property details on WikiCamps for "Sun Valley" stated: Toilets, showers, shade, picnic bench, swimming, fishing, nature walks, cabins/on site accommodation, dump point. I didn't see any picnic benches, toilet or showers except for the shed that owner used for himself, no water in sight for swimming or fishing and the only on site accommodation I could see were a couple of really run down old caravans plus an old bus.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolf_Creek_(film). For those who have not heard of Wolf Creek!
We read the sign upon leaving!!!! Thank God none of the other campers (which were all backpackers in tents), were up when we departed, as I'm not 100% positive that I would have liked what I would have seen. 😳
''Twas a really eerie experience"
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